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One of the reasons why the municipality of Sever do Vouga is so popular is precisely because of its landscapes and diverse nature.


One of the reasons why the municipality of Sever do Vouga is so popular is precisely because of its landscapes and diverse nature. Despite the pre-existence of areas with exotic species (such as eucalyptus and acacia), there are still pockets of ecosystems that persist throughout the territory, especially in the valleys of rivers and streams, where the conditions of refuge and adequate food allow them to develop in a rich and balanced way.


Due to the heterogeneity of habitats present here, such as rivers, clear streams, watercourses, forest and scrub areas, walls and gardens, it is possible to find riparian woodlands, forming extensive galleries dominated by bryophytes, royal ferns and male ferns, alder, willow, oak, chestnut and cork trees, as well as a great diversity of animal species including amphibians, reptiles, birds and other types of fauna that are characteristic of the region and can be found here.


What do the waters of the River Vouga hide? Species such as boga, bordalo, sea lamprey, river lamprey, redshank, shad, barbel, savelha, otters, water lizard, green frog, viperine water snake and the parteiro frog.


In the neighbourhood you can also spot herons, kingfishers, round-winged eagles, small apatura butterflies, dragonflies, squirrels and woodpeckers. On its banks, green is the dominant colour, like an oil painting offered up by the alvarinho oak, the elm tree, the chestnut tree, the laurel tree, the strawberry tree, the common ash, the black willow, the alder, ferns, mosses, fungi, lichens and the characteristic orange trees.


Good reasons to stay and observe!

Parish Sever do Vouga
Location Sever do Vouga